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Studying History in London

Special Topics in History: Legions & Legends, Pagans & Priests

Prerequisites: EDU1011/1001, WRT1011, and one 1000-level HIS/PHI/REL course (or permission of instructor)

January 5–25, 2019


Program Fee: $6,000

See “Forms, Fees, and Deadlines” for additional information about program costs and financial aid/scholarships, and to apply for this program.

Follow the journey:


Photo of Denise Higgins Program Director: Denise Higgins

Photo of Dan Miller Academic Director: Dan Miller

Primary goal: to explore the history of Britain from the Romans to Alfred the Great through classroom instruction and visits to museums, castles, and other historical sites.

  • Live in a guest house with easy access to London theaters, museums, the Tower of London, and the London Eye.
  • Explore the legend of King Arthur, the Roman occupation of England, and the conquest of the Saxons.
  • Enjoy day trips to York, Canterbury, Wales, and Glastonbury and optional day trips to Bath and Oxford.

Special considerations:

  • This program will be housed for the 3 weeks in the same guest house in London.
  • Students will be responsible, with support from directors, for most of their own lunches and dinners.
  • Students should be prepared for a cold and wet urban environment.

2019 Program Schedule

2019 Program Syllabus

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