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Life and Learning During COVID-19

What parents of LC students say: Testimonial 1: Applause for the careful, sensitive and wise process you have all developed so that the students can commence this semester in such good shape! Testimonial 2: Knowing my son is safer, and happier, at college than he would be at home feels like the ultimate luxury. Testimonial 3: It is wonderful in these interesting times to feel a sense of confidence. 
Testimonial 4—I really believe Landmark College is a model for how a college can actually open up safely. Testimonial 5: You are protecting our kids, some of whom think they are invulnerable. I am a grateful parent!
Thanks to the diligence of students, faculty and staff, Landmark College has successfully offered on-campus instruction since the Fall 2020 semester. New and returning students should visit this page to find answers to frequently asked questions about moving in, quarantine requirements, campus and academic life, and many other categories.
  • Since its founding, LC has built a proven track record of unrivaled support for students who learn differently. The College has cultivated a unique living-learning approach where students thrive. This residential model on our small, rural campus is of paramount importance to our students and families. Landmark College is committed to providing in-person education and residential housing in as safe an environment as possible for students who prefer face-to-face instruction and support. See below some of the safety measures we are taking so that our students can safely learn and build friendships in an environment that champions their strengths and helps them succeed.

    • Regular testing of students, faculty, and staff: The College plans to test all students and employees approximately every three weeks (six tests for students, five tests for employees throughout the spring semester). Unlike most other, larger institutions, LC is able to test individuals directly, as opposed to more frequent but often random sampling of only a percentage of the community. The College will also secure enough tests to allow additional testing if and when they are needed during the spring semester.
    • Integrated health and wellness: Health and wellness isn’t just a service offered on campus; it is an integrated part of the LC student experience. Our residential team of medical and counseling professionals is equipped to help students mitigate both the physical and emotional risks related to the global pandemic.
    • Vermont’s Restart Plan: College and University Planning is aligned with what LC has planned for the spring semester. LC’s academic calendar has been revised with spring semester classes starting on February 8; students who require a quarantine period will arrive in mid- to late January.
    • Strict procedures for positive cases on campus: When a positive case is identified, contact tracing will be conducted by the the Vermont Department of Health in conjunction with the College. Our regular testing allows us to quickly identify and contain positive cases on campus. Building on the safety measures we used for other illnesses prior to COVID-19, LC has the physical resources to isolate and care for the impacted parties.
    • At the center of our campus protocols is the Landmark College Health Pledge, taken by every member of our College community. It includes committing to a daily health screening cataloged by a computer app before interacting with others on or off campus.
  • Vermont has reported some of the nation’s lowest rates of COVID-19 since the pandemic emerged in Spring 2020. With a campus that sprawls across 125 acres in a rural Vermont location, and about 200 staff members supporting approximately 400 on-campus students, we have the outdoor space, facilities, and resources to help students practice physical distancing without sacrificing enriching social activities that are so critical to the college experience.

    Click here for details about how our HVAC systems comply with EPA guidelines.

  • Yes! Over the course of the last seven years, Landmark College has thoughtfully rolled out programs designed to provide the same quality education in an online environment. Students who are not yet comfortable returning to an on-campus college experience are taking a full course load online. Online courses are designed to address learning challenges and reduce traditional barriers in online learning for students with LD. Student supports are an integral part of our online offerings and include executive function coaching, tutoring, and social pragmatics in an online format. Leveraging a research-to-practice framework for online education, we have proven that students who learn differently can be successful in online learning. For more information about online options, visit LC @ home for more details.

For more about the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit our Coronavirus response pages

A record of coronavirus testing for the LC community can be found on our COVID-19 dashboard

Find information about Spring Semester requirements and LC's response to COVID-19.

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