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Landmark College Blog

Dutch Careers and Katwijk aan Zee

Students worked hard to finish up their career and culture essays this week.  Now the final push is for them to present on Friday about their Dutch interview. 

Here, you'll see Mackenzie and Austin interviewing a Dutch librarian (who used to be a lawyer). The students learned a great deal about the educational system while talking with Dutch professionals.

Yesterday with a bit of beautiful sun (and some Dutch wind/clouds), we biked and bused to Kattwijk aan Zee. The students enthusiastically attempted beach volleyball and a dip in the North Sea while Ann and I tried to stay warm. Everyone enjoyed a 'lekker' Dutch group meal at lunch.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the end of the program with a traditional 'riijstafel' (rice table) at a local Indonesian restaurant. We'll splurge on a taxi to Schiphol Airport on Saturday rather than the walk/train option. Overall, this group of students has been an impressive, productive, cohesive, and curious group of global citizens!

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