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Landmark College Blog

San Jose to Monteverde 1/12-13-14

On Friday students attended class in the morning, had some lunch, and then at noon participated in a “Finishing Up” ceremony. Ms. Hellen Rojas, the director of ILISA presented each student with a certificate and a replica of a Costa Rican ox cart as a memento of the time they spent in San Jose. We visited the Museo de Ninos in the afternoon. We all had a dinner of traditional casados together on Friday evening. On Saturday morning we gathered up our things and got on the bus to Monteverde. A few of us were battling some stomach difficulties, but all managed to arrive to the University of Georgia campus safely by midafternoon after our driver, Alex, negotiated some pretty extreme mountain roads. It is cool (65 degrees) by Costa Rican standards with wind and light rain here. It is the cloud forest so that is to be expected. Class, homestay orientation, and a cooking lesson are on the docket for today.

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