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Landmark College Blog

Student Poem

by Trinket Guth

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find a friend’s hand in mine
So we can stick together on the crowded shopping street
A desperate attempt
To not get overwhelmed by the waves of people

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find a stall selling melon soda with boba
And the most incredible custard filled mochi
Topped with a

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find a police officer
Who hears the music from the alarm on my phone
And asks “Kesha???”
And I realize that party music is universal

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find the ability to navigate the subway
With a combination of Google Maps
And help from my hand-holding friend
It’s good
To not be alone


I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find a store
Of secondhand kimono
And every possible kimono accessory
I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find a smile on my friend’s face
As she picks out a full kimono set
And I stand back
A haori in my arms

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I can find my way back to the train
The smile on my face
Mirroring the one my friend is wearing

I cannot find a public trashcan in Tokyo
But I do find three sticky boba balls
At the bottom of my purse
That escaped from the long-forgotten cup
That I wanted to throw out at the start
Of my unsuccessful search for a trash can
And my very successful day


Two people facing away from camera and looking at thick grove of trees. The one on the left is seated. The one of the right is standing.

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