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This is One Way to Dance—Sejal Shah

Close-up image of Sejal Shah with dark hair and brown eyes facing cameraReading from her recent memoir in which she “brings important, refreshing, and depressing observations about what it means to have dark skin and an 'exotic' name, when the only country you've ever lived in is America” (Toll, NPR), Sejal will share her experience moving through place and time, reflecting on identity, race, and the challenges of finding voice as a woman of color in America.  Sejal also brings the perspective of neurodiversity to her experience and will also touch on the relationship between mental health and academia.  As Megan McGowan in The Literary Review suggests “Sejal Shah seamlessly invites you into the experience of a life other than your own.”  Please join us for what is sure to be a timely and provocative talk.

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About Sejal Shah

Sejal Shah is the author of This Is One Way to Dance (University of Georgia Press, June 2020). Her work explores race, place, belonging, and what it means to be Brown and South Asian American in a country that sees race in Black and White. Her stories and essays have appeared widely in print and online—including Brevity, Guernica, Conjunctions, the Kenyon Review, and Longreads. She has presented her work on invisible disability and neurodiversity as an invited keynote speaker at conferences at Princeton University (2019) and the University of North Carolina (2020). Sejal recently completed a story collection and is at work on a memoir about mental health. The daughter of immigrants from India and Kenya, Sejal lives in Rochester, New York.

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