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Neurodivergent Voices

We Rule the School

Former Landmark College faculty member Ben Mitchell sent us a link to an essay he wrote that was recently published in the Scottish literary magazine, Product.

The piece, titled “We Rule the School: A Neuro-supremacist’s Handbook” takes a satirical slant on the conventions of education. An excerpt:

Simply put, neuro-supremacy is the system of educational and cultural assumptions we use to target the mutants, keeping them in a hopeless state of disorganization. In schools we call this “special education” — but it must persist through all strata of society. If you are truly new to this discussion, you might ask, “Who are these mutants?” After careful evaluation we can clearly identify three primary subgroups of mutation, currently increasing their numbers through hereditary proliferation. Historically, two of these subgroups have been relatively easy to suppress through the standard practice of “divide and disparage.” However, a relatively new and growing mutation threatens all of the structures that hold us together.

Click here to read the entire essay.

More About Ben Mitchell

Having been diagnosed with dyslexia and “hyperactivity” in first grade, Ben Mitchell has devoted his professional life to challenging the dominant educational paradigm about people with minority neurological profiles. Mitchell began this work in 1988, working with marginalized students at the Community High School while still an undergrad. Serving 14 years on the faculty of Landmark College, Mitchell has taught in a variety of programs, including the Union Institute and University, Smith College, as well as public schools in Vermont. Mitchell says, “I have a track record of innovation and engagement, championing students who learn differently.” The Neuro-supremacist”s Handbook represents his effort to expand the discussion to a larger audience.

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