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IMAGINE the difference we will make together

Cover of the Case for Support brochure titled Imagine the difference we will make together

IMAGINE … Championing Student Success

IMAGINE … Setting the Standard

IMAGINE … Amplifying Our Influence

IMAGINE … the difference we will make together

Campaign Updates

June 2022 Update Toward $12M Goal

Raised to Date: $7,505,087 (cash and pledges)

The IMAGINE Campaign progress


  • 80% growth rate for LC Online Dual Enrollment between 2019 and 2022, with an expected enrollment of over 300 students for 2021 – 2022
  • LC Online programming expansion, including the new first-year College START program
  • Increased scholarship aid, narrowing the financial gap for low- and middle-income families
  • Career readiness: personnel hired, internship sites expanded

News items and press releases related to the IMAGINE Campaign:

Landmark College Receives $1 Million Grant from Johnson Scholarship Foundation

November 10, 2020

Landmark College, which enrolls neurodiverse students who learn differently (LD; including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, or executive function challenges), has been awarded a $1 million grant from the Johnson Scholarship Foundation.

The five-year matching grant supports the College’s efforts to sustain and expand its online dual enrollment courses, which offer neurodivergent students uniquely engineered college courses as they prepare for the transition to higher education, and to create other college-level online programs which similarly help students during the important, often challenging high school, gap year, and year one of the college periods.

Read the full article HERE.

College Receives $200K Grant from Clara Freshour Nelson Foundation

May 12, 2020

two students engaging with virtual reality 3D headsets

Landmark College, the college of choice for students who learn differently, announced it has received a $200,000 donation from the Clara Freshour Nelson Foundation to provide scholarship support for students with significant financial needs.

The scholarships funded by the donation will be awarded to undergraduate students who are first-year associate degree candidates or transfers who are within two years of completing a degree; as well as individuals participating in the College’s online dual enrollment program for high school and transition/gap year students.

Read the full article HERE

Cover of Case for Support brochure

Download our full IMAGINE Campaign Case for Support brochure HERE

Areas of Support

    Increasing Student Scholarships

    Our Objective: To build an endowed student assistance fund that will enable us to create a foundation of perpetual, reliable support for future generations of LC students and assist us in efforts to:

    • Increase overall enrollment
    • Enhance student diversity
    • Reward students who persist in their studies
    • Promote retention of students toward graduation

    Affordability is often the only barrier to college for a deserving, neurodivergent student. You can help change that.

    Photo spread from the Case for Support brochure, Page 15, featuring the alumni Lorissa and Wes MacAllister

    Expanding LC’s Online Programs

    Our Objectives:

    • Create a scalable infrastructure that ensures quality offerings through additional staff and technology
    • Develop content that expands the breadth of our programs and courses
    • Increase capacity for marketing, recruiting, and partnership development
    • Create microcampus locations in key regions to expand support for dual enrollment students
    • Expand online learning opportunities beyond current programs

    Alumnus Isaac Alam, class of 2019, poses with camera in hand

    Enhancing Career Readiness

    Our Objectives:

    • Employment Readiness: Develop increased on-campus employment experiences, workshops, career counseling, and courses to prepare students to meet and exceed employer expectations
    • Employment Integration/Internships: Foster relationships with and provide training to organizations offering internships or our neurodivergent students
    • Career Placement: Create a comprehensive network of support to help students search for and secure employment after graduation
    • Partnerships/Outreach: Promote LD-focused hiring practices in the workplace and advance public understanding of the benefits of a neurodiverse society through staff outreach, national networking and presentations, and development of workplace networks and training

    Graduate William Epifanio, donning a cap, gown, and diploma on commencement day, stands with his parents ready for an amazing keepsake photo

    Growing the Principal Endowment

    Our Objectives: Building our endowment will provide greater resources to:

    • Fund institutional priorities, both short and long term (Study Abroad, Social Pragmatics, etc.)
    • Manage challenges that arise from external conditions that adversely affect funding, competitive balance, or demographic shifts
    • Capitalize on opportunities that emerge in higher education
    • Continuously innovate our model and offerings

    Your gifts not only sustain the College now, but helps us build for the long-term future.

    Alumnus David Cole, class of 1997, stands at the podium speaking to the audience

    Strategic Flexibility

    Our Objectives:

    • Be responsive to unanticipated challenges
    • Capitalize on opportunities created by new technologies, methodologies, etc.

    Your investment in this strategic priority helps ensure the College has a cash reserve should circumstances arise that requires swift action.

    One needs to look no further for an example than the COVID-19 pandemic that interrupted the Spring 2020 semester. Funds had to be found in other areas of the budget for testing and other safety and prevention measures mandated by federal and state governments before residential program could resume in the summer and fall.

    We also know that higher education is a competitive industry where being “first to market” is critical to the success of a particular program or initiative. The combination of greater resources with our proven, dedicated model helps keep Landmark College at the vanguard position for educating neurodiverse students.

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