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Vision Boards: Imagine Campaign

Help us shape the present and future of Landmark College!

Even before the coronavirus outbreak, Landmark College was in the process of strategically adapting to new realities in higher education, including shifting demographics, a need to meet students where they are—whether geographically or online—and the intersectionality of race, culture, and learning differences.

Despite the challenges listed above, our financial outlook has been stable thanks to the intentional development of our undergraduate programs, important early investments into online education, and the loyalty of Landmark College donors.

Yet our position of relative strength has become tenuous due to the continued uncertainty of what a post-pandemic world, educational and otherwise, will be like. We feel that the time to act is now—and are asking for your help.

Please join us for a series of “Vision Board” discussions regarding the future of Landmark College. You’ll hear directly from President Peter Eden and other Landmark College officials as they outline priorities and initiatives designed to keep LC moving forward despite headwind. We will also update you on our major fundraising campaign and ask you questions that will help us all IMAGINE the difference we can make together.


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