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Bringing Together Research, Practice & Technology for Students Who Learn Differently

Dr. Manju Banerjee is the new Director of the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training and a veteran researcher and educator in the field of postsecondary disabilities. She recently told the Chronicle of Higher Education about what drew her to Landmark College:

"Two years ago, Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki, one of the education and outreach specialists at Landmark College, called to ask if I wanted to be an external evaluator for a National Science Foundation grant he was going to apply for on universal design in math and science. Unfortunately, he didn't get it, but the feedback was encouraging. Last November he called to say he was planning to resubmit, and would I still be interested in being an external reviewer? He added, 'By the way, we're looking for a new director for Landmark College Institute for Research and Training. Do you know someone? Or would you yourself be interested?'"  

Read full article via The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Read more about the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT).

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