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Landmark College Gains National Media Attention for New Science, Technology Center

Vermont Public Radio ran a feature story on April 8 about Landmark College's plan to build a $10 million Science, Technology & Innovation Center, as it expands educational opportunities in STEM fields for students with LD. 

Landmark College student Kyle Vanderwiel works with faculty member Michelle Bower in a computer lab.The story featured interviews with Dr. Peter Eden, Landmark's president; faculty member Abigail Littlefield; and students Rachel Yar Deng and Sean Halnon.

"There are thousands and thousands of bright young people who are not getting through college, who could lead to breakthroughs in STEM fields," Dr. Eden was quoted as saying. "They aren’t earning college degrees because the one-size-fits all educational model does not serve them well."

Deng described herself as a "STEM chick" who has thrived at Landmark after struggling elsewhere. She's set to earn an associate degree in life sciences and envisions a career in biomedical engineering. 

Halnon recounted how difficult learning was until he came to Landmark College. "Growing up constantly facing failure over and over again kind of messes with your head," Halnon says. "You start to think that you just can’t do it."

Professor Littlefield, who has taught here for 26 years, explained the College's approach to teaching "neuro-diverse" learners by employing many different styles of teaching, to match the diverse learning styles of LC students.

After running on VPR, the story was syndicated via the Associated Press and has appeared in print, radio, TV and online across the U.S.

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