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Landmark College Professor Explores 50 Years of Change in the Field of LD with The Washington Post

Professor Jim BaucomThe field of learning disabilities turns 50 this year—an event celebrated by Professor James Baucom, a Landmark College founding administrator and current Professor of Education, in an article published in the Washington Post.

“Fifty years ago, on April 6, 1963, a group of concerned parents convened a conference in Chicago to discuss a shared frustration: they all had children who were struggling in school, the cause of which was generally believed to be laziness, lack of intelligence, or just bad parenting,” explains Baucom. “This group of parents knew better. They understood that their children were bright and just as eager to learn as any other child, but that they needed help and alternative teaching approaches to succeed in school.”

Now 50 years later, Baucom looks back on five decades of struggle and triumph, pointing the way forward for the millions with learning differences, and the educators who serve them.

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Landmark College was the first institution of higher learning to pioneer college-level studies for students with dyslexia. Today Landmark College, offering two and four-year degree options, is a global leader in integrated teaching methods for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and ASD. Students, faculty, and other professionals from around the world are drawn to Landmark College for its innovative educational model, one designed through research and practice to help all students who learn differently become confident, self-empowered, and independently successful learners.

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