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Landmark College Professor Shares Insights on Increasing Student Motivation

In a recent article published in The New England Journal of Higher Education, Landmark College Professor Sophie Lampard Dennis offers valuable insights on what motivates students, how student motivation can be increased, and the important role of educators in that process.

As an Associate Professor of First-Year Studies at Landmark College, years of practical experience have been at the core of her insights. "I have learned from observing my students over the years that motivation increases through self-regulated learning. The process of evaluating, monitoring and finally directing one's own learning is a powerful one." shared Dennis. "But students need the information to evaluate — and they need it from us. As teachers, we can make explicit and available — throughout the term —our grading criteria, the assignment and test grades, the missing assignments and the current overall grade for student use."

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Landmark College was the first institution of higher learning to pioneer college-level studies for students with dyslexia. Today Landmark College, offering two and four-year degree options, is a global leader in integrated teaching methods for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and ASD. Students, faculty, and other professionals from all over the world are drawn to Landmark College for its innovative educational model, one designed through research and practice to help all students who learn differently become confident, self-empowered, and independently successful learners.

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