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Landmark News

Message from the Landmark College Board of Trustees

Dear Members of the Landmark College Community,

As many of you may have heard, long-term Landmark College President Dr. Peter Eden will be stepping down later this summer to assume the presidency of a nearby university. For thirteen years, the college has benefited from President Eden’s commitment, tireless energy, and bold vision. During this time, the Board of Trustees has worked in partnership with President Eden. We have shared many triumphs and proud accomplishments, and we are grateful for his many years of dedicated service. Undoubtedly, President Eden could not have achieved all he did without the enthusiasm, support, and hard work of the entire Landmark community—faculty, staff, alumni, families, friends, and benefactors. Together, President Eden and the LC community have placed the college in a position of great strength and stability, well-equipped for continued growth and expansion.

Indeed, our community is stronger today than ever before. Landmark College enjoys record student enrollment, a strong faculty, a renowned neurodiversity research institute, and an unmatched reputation as the premier college for students who learn differently. Landmark continues to perform a transformative role in American education because students who may learn differently nevertheless deserve the opportunity to learn. This is our mission: to educate such students; to restore their self-esteem where prior educational efforts have diminished it; to help them develop skills for social interaction; and to empower them to live in the world, secure in the knowledge that they, just like others who learn differently from them, can make lasting contributions to society. As we move forward as a community, we will continue to emphasize and pursue these goals.

Looking ahead, supported in transition by the outgoing president, the Board will in the coming months select an external, experienced interim president to lead the College until a permanent appointee is selected. Over the course of the next year, in partnership with the Landmark community, we will conduct a thorough and careful search to secure a president who is the right fit to lead Landmark into the future. The Board is committed to including its valued constituents in all aspects of the search and selection process to the greatest extent possible.

Please join us in thanking President Eden for his years of dedicated service. He will always be one of Landmark’s greatest friends and champions. We look forward to working with the entire Landmark community as we manage this leadership transition. Together, we will continue to pursue our unwavering course towards a bright and secure future for Landmark College and its uniquely talented neurodivergent learners.



Barbara Epifanio
Chair, Board of Trustees

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