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Students Encouraged to Find Their Passion and Reach Their Goals

Full of conversation and dressed in regalia, faculty and staff awaited the Brattleboro Music Center’s brass quartet’s opening notes, their signal to begin the procession that would welcome new students into their first semester at Landmark College.  With traditional academic mace staff in hand, Sr. Vice President Dr. Brent Betit led the procession through the colonnade to their seats under the huge white tent constructed specifically for the Convocation. Greeted by the applause of family, friends, staff and faculty, new students followed ready to accept the new challenges they’d face at the College. 

Pastor Craig Breismeister, ’98 Alumnus, opened the Convocation with an inspiring message that recounted his personal college education challenges and the triumph he experienced when he accepted his academic degree at Landmark College. He encouraged students to be prepared to throw themselves whole-heartedly into their new experiences at the College.

Collete (Coco) Millard, president of Student Government Association, shared advice that a student had offered to her during her first days on campus— use the resources that Landmark College offers. She encouraged students to talk to their advisors, use the academic support centers, meet with faculty, ask questions and get involved. She emphasized Landmark’s sports, clubs and student government as ways to get involved. Speaking from experience, she told new students, “The more involved you are, the richer your experience will be at Landmark College.”

Dr. Peter Eden, President of Landmark College, combined his humor and guidance to deliver a message focused on success. “I know why you're here,” he said. “It’s because you're looking for success. We all want that for you too, every day.” Dr. Eden reminded new students that success comes in many sizes. Making it to class on time for five days in a row, or having homework handed in on time four weeks in a row can be great successes for a student who has struggled in the past.

Dr. Eden talked about the College’s high standards for academics as well as citizenry. His expectations were clear.  “I want you to work hard, and then I want you to work harder,” Dr. Eden said. “The key to your success will be respect. Respect yourself and each other. Respect your peers, the faculty, your advisors and the staff. It's not a race to the corner that matters. It's the whole race that matters.”

“What I hear from other Landmark students and alumni is that they achieve success here because everyone understands them,” Dr. Eden concluded. “You're at Landmark now. Be optimistic.”

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