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LD Innovation Symposium Handouts

Landmark College LD Innovation Symposium 2017 - presenter handouts

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Keynote by Eric Tridas
ADHD and Learning: A Perfect Storm

Break-out Sessions: Morning

a. Summer Slide, Glide, or Gain: Struggling Reader Outcomes in a High-Stakes Season 

b. Applying Universal Design Practices in Economics Courses 

c. “Passage to Hunza”: Developing Hands-On Educational VR Games to Teach Statistics

d. Engaging Faculty and Staff in Students' Success

Break-out Sessions: Afternoon

a. Dyslexia Interventions: What Do You Do When All Else Fails?
Notes from Q&A 

b. We Know More Than We Can Tell: How Game-Based Learning Assessments Help Students Demonstrate their Knowledge

c. New and Engaging Medium: How Diverse Student Talent Can Be Brought into VR

d. Environmental Influences on the Neural Basis of Language & Reading Development

Plenary Presentation by John Gabrieli
Cognitive Neuroscience & Dyslexia: From Biology to Remediation

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