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  • Nicole Goncalves

    Nicole Goncalves

  • Addressing Intolerance — Anna’s Story

    Thank you to Anna Willis-Collier for sending us this video clip from her presentation at a Massmouth storytelling event in 2018. In sharing it, she wrote, “It took me 42 years to find and use my power to reply + another 2 to share my story. I hope that this…

  • Navigating the Workplace, March 23

    Workshop for neurodivergent job-seekers and employees on campus of Bentley University.

  • Moving on Up: The promise of physical activity for improving classroom performance

    by Rick Bryck, Ph.D. Landmark College Institute for Research and Training Today’s youth tend to lead more sedentary lifestyles compared to previous generations, as physical activity rates in children and adolescents have declined in recent decades. Students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show particularly low rates…

  • Alumni Events

    window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('bf0cc6bf-6779-42a1-be06-46524876c2c4'); }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = ''; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e); } ());

  • Spring 2019 Convocation

    Speakers helps students embrace the journey ahead.

  • Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

    Students' time in Costa Rica nears end

  • We Rule the School

    Former Landmark College faculty member Ben Mitchell sent us a link to an essay he wrote that was recently published in the Scottish literary magazine, Product. The piece, titled “We Rule the School: A Neuro-supremacist’s Handbook” takes a satirical slant on the conventions of education. An excerpt: Simply put, neuro-supremacy…

  • Visiting Canterbury and St. Augustine

    Our last journey out of London for a class outing to Canterbury Cathedral and St. Augustine Abbey

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