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  • Nan Strauch

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  • How can I help my student develop social communication skills?

    We often get asked for strategies that help teach appropriate social communication skills to students, especially for neurodivergent students. A few tips: Student with social communication challenges tend to learn best when they are given explicit instructions and a manageable social context to practice appropriate language and actions. We recommend…

  • What is Executive Function?

    Learn more about executive function by reading our one-page overview, and then learn about the ways that executive function supports are integrated into every aspect of student life and learning at Landmark College. For educators looking for in-depth training on Executive Function (EF), learn more about our professional certificate series…

  • What is Dyscalculia?

    Dr. Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki shares his insights on dyscalculia in this short video:

  • How Do I Help my Students with Writing Tasks?

    I have bright, articulate students who can tell me everything about a topic but can’t get their thoughts from their heads to the paper. What can I do to help these students improve their academic writing? This is a difficulty faced by many students with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and…

  • Therapy Dog Program

    It is well known that student interaction with therapy dogs can help with many of the issues and stressors that college students face. These include reducing anxiety, lowering blood pressure, easing depression, stimulating memory and problem-solving skills, and allowing students to feel more at ease and open to social behavior.…

  • Remembering Nan Strauch

    LC board member and longtime supporter, passes away November 17.

  • Steven and Lisa Broomer

    “I’m going to go here.” Lisa and Steven Broomer were struck by the certainty with which their son, Mark, said these words. They had just returned to their car after spending a day touring Landmark College and, naturally, they wanted to know his impressions of the school. Lisa remembered then…

  • Confirmation

    Thank you for referring a student to Landmark College. We appreciate your support! If the student applies, is accepted and enrolls, you will receive a gift card. Sincerely, Landmark College Admissions 802-387-6718 [email protected]

  • LCIRT Posters Thank You

    Please enjoy these informational posters: Self-Advocacy Executive Function Neurodiversity

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