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  • Take a Walk: The Effects of Nature Exposure on Mood and Cognition

    by Rick Bryck, Ph.D., Senior Academic Researcher | Associate Director, LCIRT Overview “A culture is no better than its woods” – W.H. Auden. Students who learn differently (LD) typically report heightened anxiety levels and reduced well-being compared to their neuroatypical peers. Documented executive function challenges also abound among these students.…

  • Charles Drake Field Ribbon Cutting

    On September 1, 2017, Landmark College’s new Charles Drake Field officially opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony overseen by Dr. Peter Eden, president of the College. Soccer players Danielle Newman and Zachary Brown spoke briefly at the ceremony, which preceded the Sharks’ first game played on the turf field. Nan Strauch,…

  • Convocation ceremony welcomes new fall students to Landmark College

    New students urged to 'work with our learning differences and not against them'

  • James Stockwell ’14

    By Mark DiPietro The old saying, “He’s got blood,” once was used to convey a bold attitude and the courage to embark on a possibly dangerous adventure. While that phrase could apply to many Landmark College students who have faced seemingly insurmountable challenges, for James Stockwell ’14, its meaning is…

  • Livestream Q&A

    Still wondering if Landmark College is right for you? Join us on Friday August 25, at noon (ET) for a Livestream Q&A. Hear from professors and staff members from our admissions and student affairs teams as they discuss what makes the Landmark College experience unique. You’ll get a chance to…

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