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Online Dual Enrollment

For college-bound high school students who learn differently.

College Preparedness & Transition

Our unique approach to online dual enrollment courses is personalized and highly supported, enabling your students to develop and hone critical academic skills, explore their interests, and earn college credits while in high school.

Who should enroll:

College-bound high school juniors and seniors, and gap-year students who struggle with learning* primarily due to:

  • Learning disabilities (such as dyslexia)
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Executive function challenges

*Disability documentation is not required by Landmark College to participate.

Benefits include:


Earn college credits while in high school

Engage in the college experience and learn more about transition to college


Develop communication skills

Build self-confidence and awareness of self-advocacy

Experience communicating with peers in a college context

Work with faculty who understand unique academic needs, reducing anxiety about the learning process


Reduce student loans that are typically associated with extending college graduation time

Read more about the benefits of online dual enrollment courses for students who learn differently.



  • In addition to the course instructor, each course has an online or onsite liaison. The liaison assist students in navigating the online learning environment and stay on top of course assignments.


  • Courses are developed following the conceptual framework of Universal Design and include embedded supports for executive function


  • Small class size helps customize the learning environment and make it personal. Each course has a maximum of 12–14 students per instructor and liaison.


Our model supports students with executive function challenges

The dual enrollment program includes dedicated time during the school day for students to meet with an onsite school liaison who ensures that students understand navigation within a digital environment. The liaison works closely with the students to clarify technical and procedural hurdles that students typically have to resolve on their own in college. They learn about the accessibility of the Learning Management System (LMS) (in this case, Canvas), as well as online communication. Students learn how to participate in synchronous and asynchronous discussions and learn about the multiple affordances of online learning in supporting individual needs, such as frequent communication with instructor via digital means, interacting with an online learning community of peers, add-on tech-based applications, and other supports for time management, organization, and self-regulation.


Hear from Claudia Koochek, Head of School at the Westmark School in Encino, CA, about their participation in Landmark College Dual Enrollment.


What types of courses are offered under the LC dual enrollment program?

The following foundational courses may be offered under the Landmark College High School Online Dual Enrollment program. Availability of a course listed below may vary from semester to semester. Each course is equivalent to three college credits. Landmark College reserves the right to make changes to course offerings during any semester, as needed.

To Learn More

For more information about fees, application, and how to make Landmark College’s Online Dual Enrollment program part of your school’s college preparedness and transition planning for students contact us by email at [email protected] or call (802) 387-1662

Course Offerings

  • BUS1011 Introduction to Business
    This course surveys the dynamic environment in which businesses operate today. Students learn about economic concepts, business organization, forms of ownership, management, marketing, and managing financial resources. Actual business cases are used to explore the impact that managerial roles, market trends, legal standards, technological change, natural resources, global competition, and the active involvement of government has on businesses. The relationship between social responsibility and profits in our free enterprise system is explored. Credits: 3

  • COM1011 Introduction to Communication
    This survey course introduces students to the field of communication and enables them to increase their effectiveness and precision as public speakers and members of seminars and groups. Students explore how their perceptions influence the manner in which they communicate and how to use a wide variety of listening skills. They become aware of how verbal and nonverbal language can alter, detract from or enhance messages. Students also employ a variety of language strategies that promote inclusion, honesty, conflict resolution and support from within a group. Credits: 3

    COM1071 Introduction to Public Speaking
    Through applying communication theory and techniques to a variety of different presentation contexts, this course provides an introduction to public speaking. Students will be trained in selecting and organizing ideas; adapting a message to a particular audience; supporting ideas clearly, vividly, and logically; and delivering an effective message with confidence and enthusiasm. Students will be required to research and present at least 3 prepared in-class speeches. The basic premise of this course is that public speaking is a skill that can be mastered by anyone with motivation and determination. In addition, this course serves as an introduction to the field of communication. Credits: 3

  • CSC1011 Introduction to Computer Applications
    This course builds student capacities to solve problems and improve academic success through the use of computer applications and technology widely available as software packages. While the majority of the course focuses on using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, usage skills are extended to a variety of academic tasks and productivity purposes. Topics include: 1. An introduction to the most common uses for students and the preceding history of computing and computers in education; 2. Case studies of real-world applications; 3. Student productivity projects aimed at integration of computer applications; 4. Digital literacy in relation to learning software programs. Visually-instructed procedures and course content are augmented by having students create a Personal Learning Environment and study management system integrated with a digital Master Notebook via OneNote. Credits: 3

    CSC1631 Introduction to Programming
    This course includes the fundamentals of computer programming with an emphasis on problem solving methods and algorithm development. Topics include design and implementation of programs that use events, functions, conditionals, loops, recursion and various data structures. Students will be expected to design, implement, and debug programs in a functional programming language. Students need to be placed at math level L4 or higher. Credits: 3

  • EDU1031 Introduction to Education
    Introduction to Education uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine key issues in American education. In it we will explore questions in American education from the perspectives of psychology, philosophy, history, and sociology and discuss various policies and programs. We will examine each topic through readings, through students’ writing, and through small and large group discussion and activities. Students will develop an awareness of contemporary curriculum theory and practice through work with instructional materials and first-hand experience in schools. The course also provides students with an opportunity to explore their personal interest in teaching. Credits: 3

    EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning
    This course is designed to introduce students to theories related to the cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural dimensions of learning. The purpose of the course is to foster self-awareness, critical thinking, strategic learning, and self-advocacy. Metacognition and critical thinking will be prominent themes throughout this course. Students will reflect on learning and teaching processes while applying learning strategies that can be transferred to other courses of study as a proactive approach to self-advocacy. Strategies for active reading, note-taking, test-taking, long-term project planning, and organizing materials will be modeled, practiced, and assessed. Students will be expected to read critically, discuss and utilize a body of college-level reading for a variety of academic tasks. In addition, students will learn about the laws that protect individuals with learning disabilities, and establish short and long-term goals related to promoting effective self-management. Credits: 3

  • HIST1011 Humanities I: Ancient & Medieval Western Culture
    This course examines the evolution of seminal ideas of enduring significance for Western civilization. Students trace ideas about religion, philosophy, politics, economics, technology and aesthetics from classical Greece through Roman civilization to the Christian and Muslim cultures of the Middle Ages. Students are encouraged to draw parallels between the early forms of these ideas and their expression in current society. Credits: 3

  • MAT1311 Mathematical Ideas
    This course explores mathematical thinking and reasoning through the beauty, rigor, and patterns of a variety of mathematical topics. Topics may include, but are not limited to the following: problem solving, mathematical reasoning, number theory, set theory, logic, probability and statistics, mathematics and the arts, the infinite, and topology. This mathematical exploration is intended for the Liberal Arts student who wishes to engage in new ways of thinking and seeing the world. Landmark College Math Department approval required. Credits: 3

    MAT1541 Intermediate Algebra
    This course consists of instruction in the math skills necessary for success in College Algebra, MA 1601. Topics include: solving linear and quadratic equations, solving system of equations and inequalities, factoring, using functions, polynomials, exponents, and radicals, and graphing functions with and without a calculator. Credits: 3

    MAT1641 College Algebra
    This course concentrates on the study of expressions, functions and equations. Students are also exposed to analytic geometry, conic sections and logarithmic and exponential functions. Topics in this course provide the necessary foundation for entry into Introduction to Calculus at Landmark College. LC Math Department approval required. Credits: 3

    MAT1321 Statistics
    This course examines frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and the normal distribution curve. Students explore confidence intervals and sample size. The structure of hypothesis testing is introduced and applied to a variety of situations. Studies in correlation of data and sampling techniques are introduced. Landmark College Math Department approval required. Credits: 3

  • PSY1011 Introduction to Psychology
    This course introduces students to the fields of study in modern psychology. After this course, students will be able to answer the following questions: What is psychology? What are the methods of investigation in psychology? How is the science of psychology applied to individuals and groups? This course surveys a broad range of content including topics such as learning, cognition, memory, emotion, perception, personality, developmental psychology, stress & health, psychological disorders, and the biological underpinnings of behavior. Credits: 3

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