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Academic Support Services

Academic Support services will continue to be provided both online and face to face. Advisors will create scheduled appointments for either academic advising or coaching services. Students will need to schedule appointments through the Drake Center for academic support or supplemental executive function coaching.

Face-to-face academic support and some coaching services will be provided in the designated spaces that support larger gatherings (e.g. Drake, Library, larger lab, classroom, or studio space, etc.). Seating in these support centers, including the library, will be arranged and partially removed to promote physical distancing while maintaining an inviting a comfortable ambiance.

Students will need to wear their masks in these settings. Faculty office hours and supplemental course support may be held in classrooms, large offices, or online.


Landmark College COVID-19 Wear a Face Covering icon
Landmark College COVID-19 6 feet between icon
Landmark College COVID-19 wash hands 20 seconds icon
Landmark College COVID-19 stay home when sick icon


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