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Health Screening and Testing

Health Screenings on Arrival

Upon arrival to campus, all students and any family traveling with them will be required to participate in a health screening. In addition to a temperature check, this screening survey shall require students to verify (at a minimum) that they have no symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea).


The College has developed a COVID-19 testing protocol for all students, faculty, and staff. The majority of tests that will be administered over the course of the semester will be through the College’s contract with the Broad Institute’s College Testing Program. As opposed to the narrow swabs that are placed deeply into the upper nasal cavity (nasopharyngeal swabs), these tests use a swab that is much shorter and can collect samples from the lower nasal cavity (anterior nares swabs). Students will self-administer this test under the observation of the College’s Health Services staff. See the testing instructions to understand how easy and non-invasive these tests are to complete.

The College’s testing protocol is as follows:

  1. “Zero-day” Testing — All students will be required to have a “zero-day” test conducted within 48 hours of arrival at campus. This will likely occur at the time of your arrival on campus.
  2. Room Quarantine—After being tested, students will quarantine in their room until a negative test result is returned (usually within 24 – 36 hours). During room quarantine, students are required to remain in their room. Students in traditional residence halls may leave their room only to use the bathroom and must wear a mask unless in the shower or brushing their teeth. Meals will be delivered to students in their rooms through dinner on February 1, 2021.
  3. Campus Quarantine—After receiving a negative test result, students will enter a campus quarantine. During campus quarantine, students may leave their residence hall for meals and activities but must remain on the upper campus. Students shall practice strict social distancing from other quarantining individuals. From breakfast on Tuesday, February 2nd through Dinner on February 8th, all meals from the dining hall will be served as “to-go”.
  4. “Day 7” Testing—All students will have a test administered seven days after arrival. Students will remain on campus quarantine until a negative test result is returned (usually within 24 – 36 hours).
  5. Faculty & Staff—All faculty & staff will be tested before classes begin.
  6. Campus Community Testing—After initial testing, the entire campus community will be tested on a regular basis during the semester. See the Spring 2021 Testing Calendar here for testing dates and frequency.

Scheduling your COVID-19 Test in the CoVerified App

Daily Health Screening

All students, faculty, and staff must complete a daily health report prior to interacting with anyone on the campus, including going to class, going to the dining hall, or participating in any campus activity. The daily health report will be completed through the CoVerified App.

Students should plan to bring a thermometer to campus with them as well as a good supply of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, cough syrup, and tissues. Infrared or touchless thermometers are available online in a range of prices.

Students, faculty, and staff should consider keeping a contact journal—a list of other people with who they have been in close contact each day. If someone does get sick, this would make it easier to prevent further spread of COVID-19.

Health & Safety Contract

As a community of students, faculty, and staff, it is up to all of us to respect and follow the new standards and expectations that we have developed for the well-being of our community. We all have a responsibility to disrupt the spread of the virus and maintain a healthy environment for everyone. For that reason, the College will require that all students, faculty, and staff sign a health safety pledge before the fall semester begins that affirms you are familiar and willing to comply with all of the regulations and health policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The College will strictly enforce the requirements of the Health & Safety Contract, and depending on the level of risk to public health, students who violate its terms may be subject to conduct action ranging from warnings to suspension from the College.

Students should contact Health Services immediately if they develop symptoms related to COVID-19. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.

Students who present with symptoms related to COVID-19 will be tested for the virus and be placed in isolation on campus for observation while awaiting test results. By State of Vermont requirement, the College will reserve enough rooms/beds on campus to accommodate 5 percent of the college population in isolation and/or quarantine.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 will either travel home (if possible) or remain in isolation and be monitored by Health Services, who will determine when the isolation period has concluded, and the student may return to their regular room assignment. Monitoring by Health Services will occur via telehealth visits with the students who will need to check their temperature and oxygen saturation levels multiple times a day. Landmark College Health Services is unable to provide infirmary services or 24-hour attendant care.

While in quarantine or isolation, students will have full access to wireless Internet in their accommodations, so they are able to attend classes remotely and participate in virtual student activities. Chartwells Dining Services will provide regular delivery of prepared meals.

Because rapid identification of infection is crucial to controlling the spread of COVID-19, the Vermont Department of Health will coordinate and conduct contact tracing in the event of a positive case on campus.

While all efforts are being made to keep our community safe, we have also developed contingency plans if a student or faculty member displays any COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for the disease.

If a student displays COVID-19 symptoms, the student will be tested as needed and will go into isolation with the ability to continue participating in the course online until the test results are returned. If the student tests positive, all the FTF courses in which the student is enrolled will go online with the approval of the VPAA while all pertinent students and faculty are tested. If a faculty member or member of the academic staff displays COVID-19 symptoms, all the courses that faculty member is teaching or the support provided by the staff will go online. The employee will be tested. If they test positive, all of the students in their courses, or with whom they have had contact, will be tested. If the assigned faculty member is unable to continue to facilitate the course, the department will be able to identify an individual who can facilitate.


Landmark College COVID-19 Wear a Face Covering icon
Landmark College COVID-19 6 feet between icon
Landmark College COVID-19 wash hands 20 seconds icon
Landmark College COVID-19 stay home when sick icon


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