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Residence Halls

The College will be maximizing the number of single rooms available on campus by converting as many double rooms into singles as allowed by our enrollment. These converted singles will be distributed throughout all the halls to reduce the occupancy and residential density of each hall/wing as much as possible. Common areas and staff offices will also limit their occupancy to follow social distancing requirements.


Access to rooms and living spaces is limited to building residents only. Students will not be permitted to have visitors to the campus or overnight guests.

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing is one of the most important methods to stop the spread of COVID-19. Physical distancing means keeping a distance of at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people in both indoor and outdoor spaces. This includes common areas, lounges, offices, reception areas, the dining hall.

Face Coverings

Face coverings shall be worn by all faculty, staff, students, and visitors when in the presence of others and in public (including during classes). Face coverings are not required to be worn in a student’s residence hall room but will be required in all other areas of a residence hall. When outdoors, and more than six feet apart from one another, face coverings are not absolutely required, but you should always carry one just in case you cannot maintain appropriate physical distances. Wearing a face covering does not replace the need to maintain physical distancing and observing safety protocols in shared public spaces.

The preferred face covering for students are face masks that fit snugly but comfortably against the sides of the face, covers the nose, mouth, and chin, fastens securely with ties or ear loops, includes multiple layers of fabric, and allows for breathing without restriction. Alternative options include disposable face coverings that meet similar criteria. All students will be provided with two cloth face masks like this design. Students are encouraged to also bring a supply of their own masks that meet the criteria above. Cloth face coverings must only be worn for one day and must be laundered (machine or hand-wash with detergent) before use again.


Landmark College COVID-19 Wear a Face Covering icon
Landmark College COVID-19 6 feet between icon
Landmark College COVID-19 wash hands 20 seconds icon
Landmark College COVID-19 stay home when sick icon


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