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Return to Campus

Spring 2021 Arrival on Campus

Posted 12/18/2020—To meet or exceed the testing and quarantine guidelines outlined by the State of Vermont, the College will require all students to register for a day and time to arrive on campus. More details on the arrival process will be sent after the New Year pending receipt of updated guidance from the Vermont Department of Health, but our current procedure is as follows:

  1. Except for invited student leaders, all students must return to campus on January 28, 29, or 30. Please note that these dates are different from the arrival dates that were previously on our calendar.
  2. To reduce the risk of exposure and transmission, students will be required to follow quarantine guidelines for at least 7 days before their arrival on campus (students living off-campus for Spring term can complete this quarantine at their current place of residence or at their local off-campus residence).
  3. On the day of arrival, all students will be required to have a “day-0” COVID-19 test administered by the College and a follow up-test seven days after their arrival (day-7).
  4. After taking their “day-0” test, students will enter room quarantine until test results are returned. Students who receive a negative “day-0” test result will transition to a campus quarantine until their “day-7” test results are obtained.
  5. Academic courses are scheduled to begin on Monday, February 8.

To schedule and confirm their arrival time, students should complete this form: Spring 2021 Return to Campus Registration Form

Students should check their Landmark College email regularly in the weeks ahead, as we will be sending regular correspondence about their return and previewing any COVID-specific testing or policy-related changes, as well as sharing additional guidance from the State of Vermont.

In closing, please note these details are subject to change based on additional guidance we may receive from the State of Vermont in the weeks ahead. Thank you in advance for your continued support, understanding, and commitment to keeping our community safe.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 802-387-6714 or [email protected]. We are happy to be a resource.


Landmark College COVID-19 Wear a Face Covering icon
Landmark College COVID-19 6 feet between icon
Landmark College COVID-19 wash hands 20 seconds icon
Landmark College COVID-19 stay home when sick icon


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