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Title IX

All forms of sexual harassment and misconduct offenses and other nonconsensual sexual contact by members of the Landmark College community will not be tolerated by the College and could be a violation of College policy, and/or state and federal law.

Embedded in the College's core values of Respect, Understanding, Safety, and Honesty is the commitment that everyone in the community does their part to ensure that Landmark College is a safe environment that is free from sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; where sexual and gender-based misconduct is not tolerated by anyone.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact Campus Safety at (802) 387-6899 (on-campus extension 6899). 

Use this form to report an incident of sexual assault, interpersonal violence (including domestic and dating violence), stalking, sexual harassment, or other forms of sexual misconduct) OR for reporting a violation of a No Contact Order issued as part of a Title IX process. This form can be completed by any person and may be submitted anonymously. Anonymous reports may limit the response the College is able to provide.

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